The Dogs of the Hunt
The Philosophy of the Hunt

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"Heads I win, tails I burn you alive," William Emerson, Milton's God.


     "The world spun.  The sun disappeared.  Darkness rushed in and consumed the land.  And no one even looked up.


     Since before man was given sight it had been so, for man, even when granted sight, ignored the wonders around him.  Content with survival, he forgot the purpose for living and chose to instead simply live without purpose, finding purpose only in his lust to feed.


     The beauty of a sunset is lost when the sight of men look to the darkness only as a means of hiding their sin. When what could be perceived as the balance of light seems only as its antagonist, then it is a sign of the coming night over the days of peace.   


     Things are never as they seem if perception is tainted with fear or willful ignorance. Looks themselves are not deceiving, but they allow a simple mind to deceive itself. That is how they survive--hiding truth behind myth, for people rarely look beyond the simple things. They are scared of the unknown. I however know, and yet remain unafraid. 


     One time one of them told me, "You don't know what it's like, seeing others as nothing more than food. It is the ultimate equality. Male, female, black, white--all nothing more than meat."


     Another time one told me, "What we do is nothing strange. It is simply metaphysical capitalism. The food chain is the only ladder worth climbing."


     I understand all this. I know why they hunt. It is no mystery why they are consumed with their lust for blood.


     But the understanding they lack that I possess is the proper respect of life. Anything that experiences the miracle of life and chooses to ignore it for self-gratification is a cancer on humanity, and as cancer, must be cut out.  


     I am like them in that I hunt, and hunt to kill. I am like them in that I know what it is to rise to the heat of slaughter. I am like them in that my hands are indelibly stained with blood.


     But, we differ in that I strive to overcome an evil that withers at the blossom of life, while they simply seek to feed.


     It has been said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I say, what is wrong with blindness in a world that can only look to its own selfishness?


     I will not be understood, that is expected. But I cannot, will not, lay down the sword until the last drop of their blood has been spilled."


                            -Excerpt from a letter written by Father John Talmund to his apprentice. 

Common Recurrent Nightmares:

"When you dance with the Devil, the Devil never changes. He changes you." -8mm


The only explanation I can fathom for the inherent tendencies of the prey to dabble intimately with the affairs of predators is that they simply do not see themselves as prey.

As a result, the wolves no longer must put on sheeps clothing to mingle with the sheep, for they will come on their own, shoddily dressed up as wolves, like so many meals ready to eat.